Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Swine Flu

My friend Sarah* been infected with swine flu, but the most supportive thing I've said to her is "What do the magic pills do?"

Well, the exact text relay is:
Sarah: I have swine flu :( That's what's wrong with me, it sucks
Me: Seriously?
Sarah: Yeah! I do!
Me: So what do the magical pills do? ;)
Sarah: I'm not taking Tamiflu because it makes me sick. So I'm just taking paracetamol instead.
Me: Holly and I should bake you cookies. Can't you just have Calpol for toddlers? It tastes nice.
Sarah: Aww, that's nice! I'm not really well enough to eat, but you could lend me books because I have to stay at home as to not infect people.
Me: My cookies feel rejected. Do you want some High School Musical stickers** to cheer you up? Unless you've been intimate with the boy's school*** with swine flu...
Sarah: I'm sorry :( Well, you know me. I am a completely, shockingly, unpredictable person.
Me: Shocking. Just shocking. I see you have a natural talent for decisive intimacy.
Sarah: It's a gift. What are you doing today?
Me: I'm reading HBP. Dumbledore dies soon :(
etc etc.

But all's good, cause I made her laugh, and laughter's the best type of medicine, right?

Now let me explain:
*Sarah is my best friend from when we were wee. She lives a road away, and understands my problem of.. not being serious and supportive and non-sarcastic.

**Because of my ultimate nerdism, I was given stationery tokens for being so nerdy at school. So I hopped along to my local WHSmith store and didn't buy a calculator, didn't buy a much-needed protractor, but yes. I brought HSM stickers for my friend who was ill that weekend. (Obviously what she wanted to make her feel better).

***The boy's school next to mine (Sarah's at a different school) was the third school to close from swine flu. Thus, a poster was then put up in my school that read, "If you have had intimate relations with any pupil from the boy's school, please leave your name below for a screening with the school nurse immediately." Naturally, the long list was still blank by the end of the week. My school was closed the following week. If only people had had the courage to sign their names up!

But hey, I did make her a pretty card, which I have photograped to put up.

And a note about Half Blood Prince (the movie): You know something wrong with you when you cry more in a Harry Potter film than in 'My Sister's Keeper.'
Something is obviously very wrong with me

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